
Successful completion of the ESM Matrix42 training program: New skills and professional development

30. Okt. 2023

This summer has been an exciting and developmental time for Services4-IT. Our three-month ESM Matrix42 training program has started successfully. The results are now noticeable and we can be proud that our training has been completed with great success.

As the IT world is constantly changing and evolving, and the need for innovation has never been greater, it is natural for Services4-IT to explore new avenues to keep pace with the dynamically growing IT industry. The ESM Matrix42 training program is an important part of this commitment for us.

The training program was launched with the support of Felix Banning, MOD-IT Services, in our Budapest office. The participating colleagues were able to acquire not only theoretical knowledge, but also participate in practical training. On their way, they were accompanied by experienced mentors and professionals to help them in their professional development. Once our employees then had the sufficient expertise, they were given the opportunity to prove themselves individually in initial projects. The daily exchange continues and our colleagues can develop together and in the context of further training.

During the ESM Matrix42 training program, we have acquired skills that are essential in this competitive industry. The new skills and knowledge not only promote individual professional development, but also strengthen our team and enable us to serve our customers at an even higher level.

As always, Services4-IT remains committed to professional growth and innovation. We are confident that the results of the ESM Matrix42 training program will continue to inspire and motivate our team to meet the challenges of the future.